Just Another Pin In The Cushion

So John Edwards admitted to an affair today. He made a “serious error in judgment”. And error, eh? I think not. John Edwards made a CHOICE that was not a good one. He consciously violated the vows he made to a woman who hauled herself all around the country on a brutal schedule to promote his candidacy while battling a horrible disease. Granted, now they are reporting this affair occurred before Elizabeth’s cancer diagnosis and he confessed the indiscretion 2 years ago. That’s all well and good, but we’d still be in the dark had he not been caught visiting this woman’s hotel in the wee hours of the morning a few weeks ago. How he could think for one moment a person in the spotlight of a presidential / vice presidential campaign could have an affair and keep it under wraps is beyond me. If Mrs. Edwards has any strength at the moment, I hope she uses it to beat him silly. She’s likely too classy for that, but sometimes class is overrated.

The woman at the center of all of this has a love child Edwards is denying any link to. This child, you see, is the product of this woman’s relationship with another staffer of his. Are you kidding me? Who was this woman? The pincushion for the Edward’s campaign? He made a bad choice for what? Love? Nope, he said he didn’t love the woman. I’m sure it will be of great consolation to his wife that he shattered their marriage over someone who wasn’t even all that special.

John Edwards, your good name is soiled. At least that good hair you are so proud of is still treating you well. You might need it to hide under for a while.

One Response to “Just Another Pin In The Cushion”

  1. Kim says:

    “If Mrs. Edwards has any strength at the moment, I hope she uses it to beat him silly. She’s likely too classy for that, but sometimes class is overrated.”
